Acta Silvae et Ligni publishes contributions from all fields of forestry and forest sciences, forest ecology and forest space, wood technology, nature and environmental sciences. Papers reporting on original research, review papers, and professional papers, which notably contribute to focus areas, significantly contribute to Slovenian terminology and practices.
Page charges and fees
Authors are not paid for publishing in Acta Silvae Ligni and the journal has no page charges.
Ethics in publishing and copyright issues
Ethics in publishing in Acta Silvae et Ligni follows the general principles given in PERK ( Authors agree to follow these principles by signing and to agree on all copyright issues between authors and by signing the Authorship Agreement. The document needs to be signed by all (co)authors – link to the “Permission for publishing“.
In particular we suggest authors to resolve any potential conflict concerning authorship (please see the paper »How to handle authorship disputes: a guide for new researches« available here).
Detailed publication ethics is available here.
Submission declaration
Submission of an article implies that the contribution:
• has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis);
• is not under consideration for publication elsewhere;
• is approved by all co-authors;
• is approved by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and
• if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form or in other language without the prior written consent by the copyright holder.
Conflict of interest
All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest, including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations. The potential conflicts of interest within the organisation of the journal (staff, authors, reviewers or Editorial board members) will be addressed within the (extended) Editorial board and appropriate measures will be taken to avoid the conflicts of interest on an individual conflict basis.
Revision process
All scientific and professional papers in Acta Silvae et Ligni rely on double blind peer review processes by at least three reviewers. In particular all institution and names are removed from the digital documents. Each manuscript received at the Editorial office is firstly distributed among the core Editorial board to check for general suitability and quality of the manuscript to be published in Acta Silvae et Ligni.
All manuscripts are checked for potential plagiarism using one of the available programmes. Results of the test are available for reviewers upon a request.
Manuscript is then forwarded to regional (topic-oriented) editor to select the reviewers. The revision process itself is described in details under the »Instruction for reviewers« link. Authors can appeal against Editorial decisions relating revision process directly to the Editor in chief, stating the number of the submitted manuscript and clear description of the complaint, submitted in written form to the address of the Editorial office
Open access policy
Acta Silvae et Ligni ensures immediate full text online accessibility of all published papers, to guarantee world-wide and researchers friendly access and exchange of knowledge.
Confidentiality of the submitted materials
All materials (e.g. manuscript, figures, tables, databases and any supplementary material) and individual information is treated as confidential while under the revision process.
Any complaints against any stage in the publishing of the journal Acta Silvae et Ligni may be referred by any party involved in the process, namely authors, reviewers, readers or any members of the Editorial board. The complaint shall be addressed to the Editorial office and will be re-directed to the responsible person. The Editorial office will organise a temporal complaint board consisted of the editor in chief, the person responsible for the area / process against which the complaint is about and an additional member(s) of the editorial board. The temporal complaint board will prepare the written answer addressed to the complaining entity in no more than 2 months and execute the necessary corrective measures in reasonable time.
The Editorial board and the Temporal complaint board will take all reasonable effort to ensure proper investigation of the complaints. If complaints are not resolved satisfactorily in six months, the complaint shall be further passed to the responsible bodies of the publishers and will be treated in scope of their internal procedures.
In case the complaint fail to be resolved in the procedure above, the complaints including all the previous communication shall be forwarded to the COPE (Committee On Publication Ethics) following their procedures.
All final decisions at any stage of the complaint will be incorporated into the flowchart and corrective measures will be taken at the Acta Silvae et Ligni organisation and running tasks or the complaining entity will be fully informed about the end decisions.
We recommend using the template to prepare the manuscript; available in Slovenian or English.
Text formatting and language
Authors are suggested to prepare their manuscripts in Times New Roman (Normal style), size 12, single spacing, in black colour. Italics shall only be used for Latin names of taxa. Tables and graphics shall be placed directly in text, to the appropriate position. Submitted manuscripts have to be prepared according to the stated instructions. One manuscript should not exceed 30,000 characters (including spaces), unless a need for more text is adjusted in the cover letter.
Acta Silvae et Ligni publishes manuscripts in Slovenian, English or any other IUFRO official language. Authors are responsible for translation of Abstract and Summary except for invited papers. Journal will ensure the proofreading of texts in English or Slovenian. Authors are not charged for proofreading.
Title shall be concise and informative, clear and needs to sum up the essence of the presented research. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.
Author names
For all authors, first and last name must be stated, the last name is written in capital letters.
Author affiliations
Affiliations of all authors of the manuscript are stated: institution (e.g. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of…), if neccessery also internal organizational unit (e.g. department, chair, laboratory) and email address. If the author is not employed, and thus cannot specify the institution, at least city with the country code (e.g. SI-Ljubljana) and an email address must be stated.
Each paper must be equipped with an abstract in English and in language of the manuscript (if not English). Abstract shall not exceed 150 words. Summary shall briefly explain aims, methodology used, key results and major outcomes of the research. Authors are encouraged to point out also the limitations and applicability of their findings.
Each paper must be equipped with a summary. For manuscripts in Slovenian, the summary shall be in English and shall not exceed 3,800 characters, while for manuscripts in English or other IUFRO language, an extended (up to 7,000 characters) summary in Slovenian language needs to be provided. In case of problems with ensuring translation to Slovenian, please contact the Editorial Office.
Authors are encouraged to provide up to ten (10) keywords in Slovenian and English. Keywords are used for indexing purpose and shall support (and not duplicate) the title. Decimal classification of the manuscript is provided by the Editorial Office.
Organising of the manuscript
Please arrange the manuscript in IMRaD chapters. All chapters and subchapters shall have informative name, organised as shown below and translated into Slovenian and English (or the language of the manuscript).
3.1 1st order subchapter (bold)
3.1.1 2nd order subchapter
Tables and figures
Prepare tables and figures in high quality/resolution, formatted to the size and shape of the journal. You are kindly requested to number tables and figures consistently and to refer to all in text. Place tables and figures in the final position in text. Provide captions for all tables and figures, which shall be understandable as stand-alone text explaining the content.
Latin names of taxa
Write names of genera, species of phytocoenology associations throughout the text in Latin. For names of plants, animals and fungi, provide the authorities upon the first usage of the name.
Manuscript submission
Manuscripts shall be submitted through the online submission tools available at Acta Editorial system. For any problems related to the online submission, please contact the Editorial Office:
In-text citations should follow the principle (Author, year), in the case of two authors (Author and Author, Year), multiple authors (Author et al., year) or (Title, year). Group of references should be listed chronologically, older references first, e.g. (Novak, 2008; Kappes and Petterson, 2009; Novak et al., 2010, Pregledovalnik … s. a.).
If the year of the source is unknown (especially in the case of online sources), the term s. n. should be used (sine anno, no year).
Use of references by the same author or the same group of authors, published in the same year, should be separated with the use of a letter mark after the year of publication, e.g. (Diaci et al., 2022a, 2022b) and the same in the reference list.
The use of multiple references of authors with the same last name and the same year should be distinguished by the added initials of the names, e.g. (Jurc D., 2000, Jurc M., 2000, Jurc, 2001).
All references cited in the text, tables and figures should be listed in alphabetical order in the list of references, arranged alphabetically by the last name of the first author (or the first two, or the title) and chronologically.
• In bibliographic description the prescribed order of elements, separators between them and other peculiarities should be used.
• The initials of the names should be listed as follows (no space between initials): Nagel T.A. (not Nagel TA, or Nagel T. A.).
• Initials of resource titles should be written according with the rules of the language of the source.
• English titles should be written ‘as in a sentence’, not ‘as in a title’, e.g. Physiological plant ecology (not: Physiological Plant Ecology).
• Titles of journals should be written with the full name, English titles should be written ‘as in the title’, e.g. Acta Silvae et Ligni, Forestry Journal, Journal of Applied Ecology.
• Pages should be listed only with articles or chapters, e.g.: 9–19. Pages should be separate with a dash (and not hyphen, which is shorter) and without space between number and dash (a dash is written with the use of ctrl and -).
• Where a DOI exists, it should be listed as an URL-DOI link ( …) and without an access date.
• For other references, if the official URL address exists, it should be listed, along with the access date, e.g. (March 7, 2023).
• At the end of the bibliographic description, there should be a consistent final punctuation mark (period).
Terms for articles written in English ed. (editor); (unpublished), (personal source) (email dated).
EndNote style [BF2023.ens] – Checking is recommended before submission. In the case of online sources without a known date of publication, insertion of the term s. a. should be done manually.
Authors. Year. Title. Edition. (Series, no). Place, Publisher. URL-DOI or URL (access date).
Editors (ed.) Year. Title. Edition. (Series, no). Place, Publisher. URL-DOI or URL (access date).
Title. Year. Edition. (Series, no). Place, Publisher. URL-DOI or URL (access date).
Mrak T., Gričar J. 2016. Atlas of woody plant roots: morphology and anatomy with special emphasis on fine roots. (Studia Forestalia Slovenica, 147). Ljubljana, Slovenian Forestry Institute, The Silva Slovenica Publishing Centre. 10.20315/SFS.147.
Bončina A. (ed.). 2004. Participacija v gozdarskem načrtovanju. (Strokovna in znanstvena dela, 119). Ljubljana, Biotehniška fakulteta.
Book chapter, proceedings papers
Authors. Year. Chapter title. IN: Title of the book/proceedings. Editor (ed.). (Series). Place, Publisher: pages. URL-DOI or URL (access date).
Adamič M. 2004. Participacija pri upravljanju s populacijami prostoživečih živali – možnosti in poskus ocene stanja v Sloveniji. V: Participacija v gozdarskem načrtovanju. Bončina A. (ur.). Ljubljana, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire: 59–65. (March 6, 2023).
Authors. Year. Article title. Journal Title, vol., no.: pages. URL-DOI or URL (access date).
Medved M. 1995. Stroški pridobivanja lesa na kmetiji. Gozdarski vestnik, 5, 1: 2–11.
Peteh M., Južnič P. 2016. Značilnosti publiciranja na področju gozdno-lesne verige in njihov vpliv na vrednotenje področij v sklopu evalvacij raziskovalnih dosežkov – pregled objav. Acta Silvae et Ligni, 111: 49–56. DOI 10.20315/ASetL.111.6.
Christensen M., Hahn K., Mountford E.P., Ódor P., Standovár T., Roženbergar D., Diaci J., Wijdeven S., Meyer P., Winter S., Vrska T. 2005. Dead wood in European beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest reserves. Forest Ecology and Management, 210, 1–3: 267–282.
Legislation and standards
Law. Year. Journal, numbering. URL (access date).
Standard number: title of the standard. Year. URL (access date).
Zakon o gozdovih. 1993. Uradni list RS, 30/93. (October 7, 2021).
ISO 11799. Information and documentation: Document storage requirements for archive and library materials. 2003.
Online resources
Authors. Year. Website title. URL (access date).
Website title. URL (access date).
STA, V.Š., K.H. 2019. Italijan za hlod gorskega javorja odštel 15.389 evrov., February, 13 2019. (July 5, 2019).
Pregledovalnik podatkov o gozdovih. Ljubljana, Zavod za gozdove Slovenije. (September 4, 2023).
Unpublished sources
Authors. Year. Title, subject. Place, Institution. (unpublished) or (personal source) or (email dated …).
Košir P. 1997. Naravni rezervat Kočevsko. Kočevje, Zavod za gozdove Slovenije (personal source, June 1997).
Werner H. 1995. Bolezni in zajedalci pri kokoših v Prekmurju. V: Simpozij Novi izzivi v poljedelstvu, Radenci, 10.–15. okt. 1995 (unpublished).
Last updated: November 9th 2023
Acta Silvae et Ligni | ISSN-P 2335-3112 ISSN-O 2335-3953 |